Patients wishing to access medical cannabis no longer need to contact Health Canada. Instead, the responsibility of authorizing patients falls entirely on doctors. In order to purchase medical cannabis from a Licensed Producer, patients need to have a medical document, which is similar to a prescription.
Our system requires it in order to register you into our system. We will not bill your provincial health card unless we see you for an in person consultation. We will also not contact your health care provider unless you direct us to.
Your consultation will be with a Nurse Educator who will then review your file with the doctor on our team. If necessary, the doctor will contact you separately for a further assessment.
There are many methods, including ingesting, drinking, vaporizing, topical application, and smoking.
Patients will react to medical cannabis differently, and like any other medication side effects may occur. These may be temporary and will go away after a few hours. We suggest you speak with your doctor about the possible side effects medical cannabis may have on you.
There are many documented health benefits associated with the use of medicinal cannabis across a wide range of ages, races, genders, and health conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, glaucoma, seizures, Parkinson’s, post-traumatic stress disorder, cancer, multiple sclerosis, stress, fatigue, sleep, migraines, nausea/ vomiting and more. Medical cannabis is however not recommended for everyone. When you meet with our team, we encourage you to discuss how and if medical cannabis is right for you.
There is no cost to be a patient at Canadian MedCanna Clinics.
Many Insurance companies are beginning to explore coverage options and are making provisions for reimbursing medical cannabis under "health care spending accounts".
We suggest you contact your insurance provided to fund out what your plan covers.
Yes, you may claim your medical cannabis purchases on your income tax application.
Many LPs provide compassionate pricing. Our team at Canadian MedCanna Clinics can help you determine what compassionate programs are available and best suited for your medical cannabis needs.